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This panel was presented by the Center for Law, Innovation and Creativity (CLIC) as part of its summer series of expert-driven conversations about the future of surveillance technology, and was produced in partnership with the law school’s Center for Public Interest Advocacy and Collaboration and the Program on Human Right and the Global Economy. John Wihbey, Assistant Professor, School of Journalism, was a featured panelist.
COVID-19 has created unprecedented sources of individual, social and societal disruption. In this session, we will discuss ongoing research at the Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research, Department of Health Sciences, and from the APPEAR team in the Department of Applied Psychology, examining the impact of COVID-19 on mental health – specifically examining the impact of the pandemic on people with serious mental illness; and the impact on disordered eating. We will also discuss emerging strategies to support mental health and well-being during COVID and to address the long lasting impacts on mental health of the pandemic.
The Northeastern University School of Law and its Alaska alumni/ae chapter gathered for a virtual happy hour with special guest Professor Daniel Medwed, University Distinguished Professor of Law and Criminal Justice.
A team of Northeastern alumni from Deloitte hosted a private and exclusive workshop on the Business Chemistry® framework, which, through a short assessment, identified participants' profile and give language to describe their workstyles. Attendees learned how to use the knowledge of your profile type to adjust your communication and strengthen relationships.
The Northeastern School of Law presented a spotlight on Mary Bonauto, L'87, to talk about Celebrating Recent LGBTQ Victories and Looking Ahead. This event was part of the 'Zoomin' in on' series featuring graduates in a virtual conversation with Mielle Marquis, Northeastern Law's director of external relations.
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