
DMSB '24

Michelle Pang

“Michelle’s achievements inside and outside of the classroom represent some of the best that NU has to offer, making her an excellent candidate for the Compass Award.”

-Todd M. Alessandri, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education, D’Amore-McKIm Business School

What are some of your hobbies and interests?

[My hobbies are] lifting weights and working out, cooking new recipes, trying new restaurants, cafes, bakeries, etc., with friends, and reading.

What are some examples of your involvement in the Northeastern community and the community at large?

[I am the] co-director of outreach WISE Summit, the previous NUMA Consulting executive director, and the previous DMSB social media ambassador.

Describe some of your achievements at Northeastern

[Some of my achievements include] sourcing 17 speakers with my co-Director of outreach for WISE Summit (ex: Eva Goicochea, Kati Fernandez), being one of the first DMSB social media ambassadors and featuring in the #QuestionsontheQuad video series, and sourcing the five startups as the executive director of NUMA Consulting. [I also worked] on uplifting new businesses, especially those with a focus on impact.

Of the above examples, which do you consider your most significant achievement and why?

One of the accomplishments I am most proud of is sourcing the speakers for the WISE Summit, a conference for women and underrepresented genders who would like to build an innovative mindset. With my team, I secured speakers from many industries, professions, and ages while simultaneously ensuring diverse representation so all participants could find someone they resonate with. Some notable speakers include Eva Goicochea, the founder of Maude and one of only 10 Latinas in consumer goods to have raised over $10 million in venture funding, and Kati Fernandez, director of content strategy at ESPN. Besides sourcing speakers, I developed the workshops, lightning talks, and keynotes directly with speakers meaning I had an executive decision in deciding the Summit’s content. It was an incredibly fulfilling experience to watch my hard work come to life on March 23 and work with such a passionate, warm, and incredible team. It was so amazing to be able to impact over 250 participant’s lives on that Saturday.

What honors or awards have you received during your time as a student?

[I have been on the] Dean’s list for all four years [and am a member of] the Beta Sigma Gamma Honor Society.
