10.19.20 | 6:30PM EDT

COVID-19: Law and Social Justice Community Conversation – Carceral Systems

As part of the COVID-19: Law and Social Justice Community Conversation series, Professor Leo Beletsky discussed the topic of the carceral systems.

10.17.20 | 8:00AM ET

Northeastern University Virtual Graduate Open House

Attendees had the opportunity to meet and connect with faculty, staff, students, and admissions representatives to learn more about how Northeastern could help their academic journey and career.

10.16.20 | 9:00AM ET

CLIC Annual Conference: Exploring the Future of Governance Through Intellectual Property and Technology Regulation

Intellectual property and technology are transforming democracy and its baseline of inclusivity and access to promote equal justice. What are the complex forces driving change and what do we need to know to ensure that democracy thrives in these unchartered territories? Discussions in this conference from The Center for Law, Innovation and Creativity (CLIC) concerned transparency and innovation in health and medicine, election law, free speech and data privacy.

10.15.20 | 2:00PM ET

Nardone Seminar: How to Write Articles for Managerial Journals such as CMR, HBR, and SMR

Many researchers are interested in publishing in managerial journals because these, rather than academic journals, are read by practitioners. But many are frustrated by the process of getting into practitioner journals such as California Management Review, Harvard Business Review and MIT Sloan Management Review. In particular, many do not understand, first, how to design studies with output of interest to managers, second, how to write for a managerial journal, and third, how to get accepted.

10.15.20 | 12:00PM EDT

Performing Data: A Story of Mutualism?

The Department of Theatre and the Center for Design are converging to tackle this open-issue and explore an interdisciplinary research approach to transforming data. Join us for an open conversation with award winning Information Designer, Federica Fragapane, about her work across information design and humanities and how she has combined the fields of Theatre and Design.

10.06.20 | 1:00PM EDT

Alumni 101: Grow Your Network with NUsource

Learn how to utilize the Northeastern’s exclusive networking platform, NUsource, features to your full career advantage in this 30-minute mini-webinar. This is your source for connecting with alumni for career and entrepreneurship advice, industry insights, work-life balance tips, and more! Find out about easy profile creation and search tips and how you can help others. […]

9.30.20 | 12-1:30pm

Reach Out for Your Career

Whether your goal is to change jobs, start in a new industry, land a promotion, grow your business or get a mentor, this webinar will help you turn career dreams into professional success by helping you connect with others who can put you on the fast track.