Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
It’s that time of year again! Join us to boost up the Huskies for another strong showing at the 45th annual Beanpot tournament! Plan to attend our pre-game festivities with your fellow Huskies followed by some terrific women's college hockey. In honor of this momentous 'first', make plans to join the Northeastern community at the pre-game at TD Garden for the first time the Women's Beanpot will be there! Purchase your bundle of tickets here and sign up for the complimentary pre-game, too! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to celebrate one of the Boston community’s most spirited traditions - now in January for the Women's Beanpot.
On Saturday, October 14, the Men’s Club Lacrosse Alumni will gather at the Sandy Burr Country Club for a round of 18 followed by a dinner that evening for a chance to reminisce and reconnect with fellow Huskies. The following day, Sunday, October 15, the Club and Alumni will come together at the campus-adjacent Carter […]
Join your fellow Sports Leadership alumni and current students at Sterling’s for networking and catching up with Dr. Wojnar and Dr. Prior.
NU@Noon wants to take YOU out to the ball game!
Join the Northeastern Sailing Team for an end of year banquet for the first time since Covid. Following our alumni regatta in the morning we will meet for sit-down plated dinner. The evening will include a silent auction, and a summary of the season honoring the team seniors.
Can St. Patrick’s Day weekend get any better? Join the Northeastern Rugby Club on Saturday, March 18, 2023, for the return of the Memorial Co-Ed Touch Tournament, followed by the celebratory Spring Gala.
One of the most anticipated traditions of the winter season has returned: the Beanpot Tournament! After a 2021 hiatus, the 43rd Women's Beanpot will be hosted here at Northeastern's historic Matthews Arena. Our beloved Huskies are seeking to defend their title after triumphing in 2020. We'll kick off the tournament vs Boston College.
Northeastern Figure Skating Club is hosting its annual holiday show on Monday. Dec. 6 at 7:45 pm. at Matthews Arena. Join the figure skaters to celebrate the holidays and watch the skaters perform their hard work.
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