

Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.

4.6.21 | 11-11:45am

Meet Rising Professionals, Share Your Expertise, & Connect with the Next Generation of Talent

Would you like to connect with rising professionals who have the talents, skills, and leadership abilities to help you build tomorrow’s workforce? We invite you to explore the possibilities through an array of programs designed to help your company achieve its talent goals by engaging with our students in a variety of ways that let you share your expertise, connect with the next generation of talent and solve business challenges. Join us to find out how you can partner with Northeastern University to: Sponsor short-term project experiences, host co-op opportunities, provide mentorship and share career advice or share domain expertise as a panelist or guest speaker in a workshop or seminar.

03.30.21 | 6:00PM GMT

Break into a Career in Consulting

Imogen Glen is a New College of the Humanities alumna and a senior associate at Strategy&. Imogen will be presenting tips and tricks of breaking into a career in consulting. Attendees will have the chance to ask questions regarding interview techniques, how to stand out as an applicant, etc.

03.24.21 | 6:00PM GMT

Break into a Career in Broadcast Journalism

Join New College of the Humanities alumna and BBC Journalist Soila Apparicio to talk about a career in broadcast journalism. Soila is a broadcast journalist and audiovisual producer currently working at the BBC for the World Service on the radio show and podcast The Climate Question.

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