Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
In this empowering workshop, Certified Career and Leadership Coach Cristina Costa will lead us on a transformative journey to identify and overcome Imposter Syndrome. This session will provide you with the tools and mindset to confidently navigate challenges, identify your unique strengths, develop your inner power, and grow your confidence to achieve your fullest potential. This workshop offers a safe and supportive space for interactive exercises, insightful discussion, and practical strategies. We will explore the root causes of Imposterism, dismantle self-limiting beliefs, and adopt a growth mindset.
Organized by the Northeastern Dallas community and Tieisha Smith, MBA’17, featuring a speaking engagement from Swatee Singh of TIAA, this webinar will discuss how Artificial Intelligence is disrupting education, the industries that will be most affected, its impact on women, and the skills and studies that will be most useful in the future.
The Young Alumni Advisory Board invites you to re-live a classic Northeastern tradition as an alum or Northeastern community member by joining in Northeastern Alumni’s Virtual Husky Hunt! While the Resident Student Association’s 48-hour Husky Hunt has been a highly anticipated annual challenge for students the Alumni Husky Hunt is a way to bring that fun tradition to alumni, parents, and friends! We hope you will join us virtually for challenges, clues, and prizes that bring back memories from your Northeastern days.
With campuses from Boston to Vancouver, Northeastern is broadening its footprint as a global research university.Join Hillary Mickell, San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Regional Dean and CEO, and Dave Thurman, Dean and CEO of Northeastern in Seattle as they report out on resources and updates across the school’s hubs. There will be a question-and-answer session […]
Northeastern Civil Engineering Alumni Organization (NUCEAO) is offering a virtual lunchtime “office hours” series for students and young alumni to chat and network with professionals who are actively working in the Civil Engineering and Construction fields.
As a social impact strategist, Dr. Ramona Houston is passionate about community engagement and solving social problems. Dr. Houston spoke about the power that we each have within us to make real change in our communities and in the world.
Join us for a special discussion on the documentary film, PAPER LANTERNS: THE STORY OF 12 AMERICAN POWs AND THE MAN WHO REFUSED TO LET THEM BE FORGOTTEN. Featuring, Nobuko Saito Cleary, LA’70, Producer and Barry Frechette, Executive Producer/Co-Director. Opening Remarks by the Honorable Setsuo Ohmori, Consul General of Japan in Boston and University Welcome […]
An aspiring news anchor turned VP. A music major now working to bridge the gap between entertainment and advocacy. A psychology major investing in her community with a bookstore. What are the commonalities between these three trailblazing black alumnae? During this virtual panel a close-knit group of friends gathered to share the role that The John D. O'Bryant African American Institute and co-op played in their personal and professional development.
Join the LGBTQ+ Alumni, Faculty & Staff Communities to celebrate the Class of 2021 Rainbow Graduates! Enjoy the Senior Slideshow & “Graditude” Awards, hear from Senior Speaker James Lyons, SSH’21 and connect with members of the LGBTQ+ Alumni Community as they share their experiences and insights from post-graduation.
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