Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
At this fun and interactive event, you’ll experience what it’s like to build a startup team and race to develop a concept—all with the support of experts and colleagues and fueled by good food!
Join Jack Lesko, Director of Engineering Research at the Roux Institute, as he discusses the future of manufacturing as seen in his research.
The Roux Institute speaker series continues with a panel discussion featuring members of the class of 2022! Join Michael Pollastri, Senior Vice Provost for Portland and Academic Lead, as we honor our inspiring Roux Graduates.
Join us for an evening at the Roux Institute at Northeastern University in Portland. You’re invited to take a tour of the facilities, hear from key speakers and join the community for conversation, cocktails, and hors d’oeuvres. In addition to a welcome from the James Hackney, dean of the School of Law, we’ll hear from both our legal fellow, Rohan Vakil ’21, and Michael Pollastri, senior vice provost of the Roux Institute, about entrepreneurship partnerships, community connections, the future of the Roux Institute and more.
Join Usama Fayyad, of the Roux Institute, and Ricardo Baeza-Yates, of Northeastern University, as they unpack the ethics of Artificial Intelligence in our modern world.
The Roux Institute speaker series continues with this thought-provoking discussion on the future of medicine in a data-driven world. Join us at the Roux campus or virtually as Professor Raimond Winslow unpacks the complexities of Computational Medicine.
The Roux Institute is proud to present a panel discussion with faculty, students, and partners about supporting women’s leadership in high-tech fields. Join us for an important conversation about inclusion, representation, and empowerment of women.
To kick off the Roux Institute Signature Speaker Series, join Governor Janet Mills as she explores the complexities of Maine’s growing economy.
What does Henry David Thoreau’s retreat into the natural world at Walden Pond have to do with our modern culture of distraction and technological immersion? We learned how Thoreau’s interest in the peace of nature was fueled by his distress at the information culture of the 19th century when the telegraph brought news to Americans […]
This event series is open to the community. Are you startup curious? Constantly wondering how problems in your daily routine could be improved? Interested in learning what it takes to start a company and grow it from prominent entrepreneurs? Join us to learn more from experienced individuals! Hosted by The Roux Institute.
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