Transcending the Challenges of a World in Transition

The world is in a constant state of change. Recently these changes seem more frequent and more disruptive. How can we as humanity, navigate these changes and emerge more stable and resilient?

This session featured an interactive panel of Raja Yoga Meditation practitioners who discussed a profound process of transformation which both includes and transcends the challenges, while recognizing that change is not only inevitable but to be welcomed, as we transition towards something new.

Drawing Stability and Nourishment from Within

In a world where very little can be truly relied on, it’s hard to know where to turn for a sense of solid ground beneath our feet. Perhaps the ‘new normal’ is to accept that the ground we stand on constantly shifts as we learn new ways to keep our balance. With practice, we can learn to draw on stability from within ourselves, and through inner strength become our own still point in a turning world, finding the nourishment needed to ensure we have the stamina to keep moving towards our goals. View an interactive panel with Raja Yoga Meditation practitioners.

Northeastern’s UK Apprenticeship Launch

Join us as Northeastern unveils its digital-first business transformation strategy in the UK, with the launch of its newest cooperative education model – apprenticeships!

Get an early look at how this ‘first of its kind’ degree apprenticeship, built in collaboration with digital transformation leader ServiceNow, can create accessible pathways to high-quality digital and technology careers. Learn how you can help Northeastern bring apprenticeships to your firm to and take advantage of this game-changing opportunity in to develop your talent of the future.