Women Making an Impact in Sports

Mid-Career Job Search

Career Therapy Thursdays

Self Advocacy at Work

Is there something you’d like to ask for at work, such as: a promotion, new projects, professional development, schedule flexibility or resources?  

Find out how to confidently prepare for this discussion, understand your negotiation power as well as your manager’s priorities, anticipate objections and generate alternatives.  

Join us to discuss strategies to build confidence and help you succeed.  

Presented by Michele Rapp, Associate Director, Alumni Career Strategy at Northeastern. 

Northeastern Insider Series: Networked University and the Roux Institute

NU@Noon: Meet the Deans – NU on the West Coast

With campuses from Boston to Vancouver, Northeastern is broadening its footprint as a global research university.
Join Hillary Mickell, San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Regional Dean and CEO, and Dave Thurman, Dean and CEO of Northeastern in Seattle as they report out on resources and updates across the school’s hubs. There will be a question-and-answer session to follow.

Working Across Cultures – A New Soft Skill in Demand

Struggling with bringing harmony to your diverse team? Don’t understand why your team members react and behave differently? Join Danielle Larsen, DMSB’10, and Rebecca (Becky) Huot, DMSB’11 for an inspiring panel discussion on how to overcome challenges and communication barriers in multinational teams. Learn why cross-cultural communication skill nowadays is the basic and one of the most important ingredients for successful leadership in Multinational organizations.

What’s Next? Career Conversations with NUCEAO

Solving Antibiotic Resistance

It’s hard to imagine a world without powerful antibiotics to combat infection or to make life-saving medical interventions like surgery and cancer treatment possible. This amazing scientific discovery has changed our lives in countless ways. But, the long- term overuse and mis-use of antibiotics has contributed to an alarming rise in antibiotic resistance, which threatens the health of our global ecosystem.

Hear from biology professors Kim Lewis and Eddie Geisinger to discuss how scientists are working to discover new antibiotics and seeking novel ways to treat and eradicate some of our most aggressive infectious diseases. You’ll also learn about ground-breaking inventions and unique research strategies that have contributed to sophisticated advances in drug development for infectious disease.

Part of the College of Science Connects: The Good Power of Science series. Originally aired on January 12, 2022. Learn more about the research here.

Virtual Field Trip Series: Dialogue of Civilizations – Ghana: Healthcare Systems, Services, and Education

Northeastern Professor Vanessa Johnson discussed the history behind the development of Ghana’s universal healthcare system and both the opportunities and challenges in providing health care in the country. We also heard about the Dialogue of Civilization she leads through Ghana.