Drawing Stability and Nourishment from Within

In a world where very little can be truly relied on, it’s hard to know where to turn for a sense of solid ground beneath our feet. Perhaps the ‘new normal’ is to accept that the ground we stand on constantly shifts as we learn new ways to keep our balance. With practice, we can learn to draw on stability from within ourselves, and through inner strength become our own still point in a turning world, finding the nourishment needed to ensure we have the stamina to keep moving towards our goals. View an interactive panel with Raja Yoga Meditation practitioners.

The Striving States of the East

Leon Rozmarin, a lecturer at Northeastern University discussed the shift in world balance on the global stage and the current geopolitical landscape.

Northeastern University Virtual Graduate Open House

Global Perspectives, Latin America

Covid-19 and the New World Order: Prospective from Brazil

This is part of a special series on the impact of COVID-19 around the world. We will leveraged our global network to explore risks, challenges and good practices for preparedness, responsiveness, effectiveness and responsibility in dealing with the public health and economic crisis, and what the future holds in a post-pandemic world.

Our second session focused on Brazil. Led and moderated by Dr. Nikos Passas, Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, joined by Jorge Pontes, former Federal Police Chief and Ligia Maura Costa, a tenured Professor of Law and Executive Director of the research center FGVethics at Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo – Fundação Getulio Vargas a, who discussed how COVID-19 has impacted governance and crime in Brazil.