Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
The Netherlands is the world’s showcase for sustainable urban transportation: 25% of trips are made by bicycle and 10% of travel is by public transportation (about 5 times more than the US), while its traffic fatality rate is the lowest in the world. Learn how the country developed its large, car-free and car-lite city centers so that they are thriving economically and home to world-renowned art, architecture, and, yes, cheese.
Learn about the major health, socio-economic, cultural, and political issues that characterize the every-day life of the people and communities of Kenya. Presented from the busting capital of Nairobi, you will learn why Kenya offers the most unique opportunity to learn about global health, while also discovering the food, history, and culture that make the country so special.
This event series is open to the community. Are you startup curious? Constantly wondering how problems in your daily routine could be improved? Interested in learning what it takes to start a company and grow it from prominent entrepreneurs? Join us to learn more from experienced individuals! Hosted by The Roux Institute.
For some entertaining and educational family fun, look no further than this tremendous virtual event! In partnership with the San Diego Zoo, the Office of Alumni Relations will be hosting a ‘Creature Feature’! This live interactive Zoom event will introduce you to some of the Zoo’s favorite animal residents. Mark your calendar and plan to join us as we get to greet some animal friends.
Boston-based alumna Catherine McLean, DMSB’07, MS’12 shared tips for shifting your mindset and defining your style as you make the jump from employee to entrepreneur.
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