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BARI’s annual conference is a unique forum for greater Boston’s civic data ecosystem—spanning the public sector, private sector, non-profits, community leaders, and academia—to explore how data and technology can be used to better understand and serve our communities. “Smart cities” was a topic of focus. Smart cities should be about more than just efficiency and fancy new tools; it is about partnering across institutions and communities to collaboratively transform all of our cities and towns into the places we want them to be.
This panel focused on “Making Housing in Greater Boston Work for Everyone.” This was part of the Boston Area Research Initiative (BARI)’s annual conference, a unique forum for greater Boston’s civic data ecosystem—spanning the public sector, private sector, non-profits, community leaders, and academia—to explore how data and technology can be used to better understand and serve our communities.
Join us as Marguerite Krupp, LA’67 and NU@Noon Committee Member tells the tales of Boston Harbor. As a Boston Harbor Islands volunteer and storyteller Marguerite will talk about the stories of the Boston Harbor Islands and guide you on a visual and historical tour of the four currently active lighthouses in the Boston Harbor Islands […]
Northeastern’s School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs and Global Resilience Institute hosted a conversation about mobilizing for a better future for all. Massive societal disruption has required us to reconsider many things, including how we prepare for the climate crisis and how we address growing inequities and disparities. In connection with Earth Day 2020’s 50-year celebration of activism, this panel reflected on integrating climate action and social justice into this transformative time.
Do medication errors occur in your schools? (Yes, humans are not perfect.) Does your school/district use a process to reduce risk of errors? In this webinar, presented by the Northeastern University School Health Academy, leaders discussed best practices to this challenging topic.
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