Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
Enjoy a 70-minute, fully-narrated sightseeing cruise along the Charles River, followed by lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Your captain and crew will both entertain and educate while pointing out the historic and cultural sights of Boston and Cambridge.
Dr. Slavov recently received a $50M grant for Alzheimer’s research and intends to use new techniques to significantly ramp up single-cell protein analysis of the disease.
Be one of the first alumni to see our newest building, EXP! Hear the story behind its construction and learn about its impressive features. After the tour, join us for lunch in the Alumni Center at 716 Columbus Ave, 6th floor.
NU@Noon wants to take YOU out to the ball game!
Guided tour of the Massachusetts State House delving into the history, daily operations, and architectural background of the building. Lunch in Boston to follow.
Guided tour of MIT museum and gallery “AI, Mind the Gap.” Join us in shining light on the promise, impacts, limitless potential, and murky misconceptions of artificial intelligence. Lunch in Boston to follow.
A tour of Harvard’s most popular attraction for its historical collections, temporary exhibitions, and new permanent galleries. Lunch in Cambridge to follow.
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