

Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.

11.30.21 | 12:00PM ET

The Future Technologies of Brain Health

The brain is the most complex and least understood organ in the human body. Join us to learn more about a few of the technologies that will define the future of how we study and treat brain diseases, injuries, and traumas. Following brief presentations from industry experts, Hilary Loftus, PNT’14, Health Education Director at the HOW Foundation of S. Florida, will moderate a conversation to dive deeper into their work, and then there will be time for a question and answer session.

11.16.21 | 6:00PM ET

The Power of Social Responsibility

As a social impact strategist, Dr. Ramona Houston is passionate about community engagement and solving social problems. Dr. Houston spoke about the power that we each have within us to make real change in our communities and in the world.

11.2.21 | 12:00PM ET

Virtual Field Trip Series: Dialogue of Civilizations – Barcelona: Art, Architecture, and Photography

Professor Xavier Costa discussed the Dialogue of Civilization, Northeastern’s unique short-term study abroad opportunity, that he leads. Explore the urban development and recent socioeconomic history of Barcelona, from its art and architecture, to its fashion and food culture, and its transformative creative economy.

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