Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.
When a new Taylor Swift album drops, no topic is more hotly debated than who each song is about. Underneath that debate is an even more challenging set of questions: are Taylor’s songs autobiographical? Can we truly map her lyrics onto the people and events in her life? Do you have to know Taylor’s social […]
Join us for this must-attend AI conference hosted by Northeastern University’s Institute for Experiential AI. Industry, research, and data science leaders will explore how AI is accelerating and transforming health and life sciences.
Long-time friends Professor Emerita Judith Olans Brown and Matthews Distinguished University Professor Wendy E. Parmet will discuss recent Supreme Court rulings and the future of the Court over coffee or tea (virtually).
Are you a startup founder eager to secure funding for your next idea, or are you a startup founder eager to secure promising opportunities to grow your portfolio? If so, join us for an exclusive event tailored for both founders and investors alike with free food and phytabars! Don’t miss this chance to connect with […]
If you’re experiencing a layoff, or anticipating the possibility, join us to learn about strategies for an effective job search. We’ll discuss best practices for career pivots, networking, LinkedIn, resumes and interviews. And you’ll find out ways to be resilient, stay motivated, and maintain a positive mindset during a time of change.
Complimentary gentle stretching has many benefits- experience them firsthand with a 30-minute virtual demonstration led by Dr. Maureen Watkins, assistant clinical professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. Stretch along with us and enjoy! Zoom link to be provided in advance of the event.
The Gordon Institute helps engineers build their technical skills and become great leaders.
Taylor Swift’s music spans ten eras over seventeen years from her debut to her most recent album, Midnights. Join Dr. Catherine Fairfield, Postdoctoral Teaching Associate in English, as we unpack how Swift draws on histories of women’s storytelling through the writing and aesthetics of her eras. We will explore literary and cultural heritages such as gothic literature and […]
The Gordon Institute helps engineers build their technical skills and become great leaders.
Just because you graduated doesn’t mean you have to say goodbye to the Library! Check out the useful resources you still have access to, from industry-specific databases to finding your next vacation read.
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