Behind a company’s social media presence is a team of professionals crafting and posting the content that represents the corporate brand and voice. These teams – often responsible for a range of platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and TikTok among others – must remain ahead of the latest social media technology, trends, and news.
In an ever-changing digital landscape where staying relevant is more important (and challenging) than ever before, there is never a dull day in the life of a social media professional. And while these teams’ efforts may begin on social media, the impact of their work extends far beyond – to key stakeholders, current and prospective customers, the media, employees, and more.
For a relatively new marketing tool, social media has become one of the most important methods of communication between a brand and its customer base and other target audiences. Listen to a panel of professional social media power houses on how they craft their employers’ digital personas for the different platforms they are using and audiences they are reaching. This panel was moderated by Kelsey Murray, MA’13, Global Head of Social Media at Nasdaq. The amazing panelists are: Andrew Jasenak, AS’05, Director of Digital Media at Amtrak. and Jenna Ross, AMD’15, Manager of Entertainment Partnerships at Twitter. Originally aired on February 26, 2021.